Thursday, February 17, 2011

Journey for Jesus

   Well, our journey actually began some time ago.  We have done some AWESOME things along the way, as well as some "not so AWESOME" things.
   Long story short, we were under the impression that we had become victims of the Michigan automotive industry.  Jobless & broke.  We were those things, but NOT victims.  We were being re-shaped for a more perfect career, trade,...journey. 
   With all of our manufacturing experience, from the ground all the way to human resources and general managers, we were sure that those were the jobs we should be looking for.  We couldn't understand WHY the Lord would leave us in this wilderness for so darn long.  Again, being re-shaped.  It didn't take long to figure out that all of our acquired "toys", would have to go.  Motorcycles, boats, furniture (lol), stuff.

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